Our Whole Duty for 2024 “What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? . . .
The end of the matter; all has been heard.
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
-- Ecclesiastes 1:3; 12:13
What better way to start off the new year of 2024 than with the book of Ecclesiastes. I love this
book of the Bible! It puts everything in perspective, meaning God’s perspective, not mine.
What a difference that makes in our lives!
I can get so wrapped up in what I’m trying to accomplish that I loose sight of what God is
accomplishing, in me, around me and yes, possibly, hopefully, prayerfully, through me. But always it is
God who is the Doer, the Actor, the Producer. So, it is a true blessing to work through Ecclesiastes
at the beginning of a new year.
Looking back at 2023 ... Olympic Lutherhaven, joined. Crosby Days breakfast, cooked.
Adopt-a-Spot, cleaned. Blood Drive, given. Dream Porch, built. Garage Sale, held.
Storage building, done.
Advent & Christmas worship services glorified God, and encouraged us in our faith and
fellowship! Praise God!
Now look forward to 2024 ... Ash Wednesday and Lent are but 4 weeks away, already! Men's
Group, begin. Blood Drive, again. Outreach ministry, joyfully. Community visibility, increase. Adult
New Member/God for Us Class, soon. Pastoral calls and counseling, yes. Recovered from the nasty
cold thing I had in December, I hope so.
What’s the point of all this? Read Ecclesiastes. At least the first chapter and the last chapter. Listen
to the Byrds singing “Turn! Turn! Turn!” from 1965 as you do. Yes, the lyrics are literally Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
The point? God really is in charge. Not us. Faithful obedience is such a blessing. Quit worrying.
Love each other. Do the right thing. Have fun. Ultimately, do God's will!
May the Lord bless us throughout 2024 as we focus on Him and what He calls us to do!
Pastor Dave
"In His Steps . . . Follow His Example" - I Peter 2:21